Automatic wrap around case packer
Modular assembly structure, built in painted iron or stainless steel AISI 304. The box is formed by a descender with platform – suction cup, guided mechanically. The descender is controlled by a frequency converter, allowing a proper
fit in the process of descendent and formation of the box.
The descender is controlled by an encoder that gives precision at all stops. When the product is being formed and grouped, the carton is positioned to receive it, the lift is operated and the descent is done.
The cardboard wraps the entire product formation and, once it has reached the lower zone, it is positioned between the pusher blades translation carousel, also controlled by a frequency converter.
Standard machine
Electrical supply: 400 V III+N+T 50 Hz
Installed power: 8 Kw
Compressed air supply: 6 bar
Production* (depending on format and type): Up to 10 cartons/min.
Carton dimensions:
Width: 200 – 500 mm
Length: 150 – 350 mm
Height: 85 – 320 mm