Ear Flap was created
in 2001

The company was directly related to the world of packaging machinery and specifically with automatic and semi-automatic palletized load wrappers.

A new brand called EAR FLAP was registered for the entire European Union to differentiate us from the “pack” sector.

Why Ear Flap? That is an appropriate name for a machinery company? And how about calling a computer APPLE? Obviously calling it Ear Flap has an explanation.

When the wrappers were designed, they thought about differentiating them from the rest. How do we do it?

The most visible parts of the wrappers is the column… we can make it square, triangular or rectangular, with sharp or rounded edges, but these shapes already exist on the market. Then we had…


Técnico programador Ear Flap delante del software de gestión de líneas de paletizado con robot
Taller Ear Flap con personal trabajando en varios proyectos
Origen de la imagen corporativa de Ear Flap
We would manufacture the machines with that profile, and while looking for a name, a sheet of paper covered half the image, and it resembled the profile of Mickey Mouse with his ears. From ears to earmuffs and from EAR to EAR FLAP.


First steps

We attended the first event as a brand at Hispack 2003. We would lay the foundations for the future brand image.

Primera imagen corporativa de Ear Flap en 2001
Enfardadora de exposición en feria industrial de 2006

Ear Flap stand at Hispack 2003


Growthand expansion

At Hispack 2006 Ear Flap presents a brand-new corporate logo. Also, at this expo we introduced the expansion of the product range.

Ear Flap logo Export 2006
Enfardadora de exposición en feria industrial de 2006

Ear Flap stand at Hispack 2006



The company begins to export to France, Germany, Belgium, Denmark, Netherlands and England.

Ear Flap logo Export
Mapa de exportaciones



National benchmark

Ear Flap Continues to add products to its catalogue. Self-made case formers and sealers are added to a new industrial division called EF-PACK.

Logo ef pack 2012
Enfardadoras en stand de ear flap

Ear Flap stand at Hispack 2012 


New delegations

Exports begin to play a leading role. We establish delegations in France, Netherlands and Mexico. We started manufacturing Wrap Around systems.

Feria emballage logo 2014
Sistema de formado y encajado tipo Wrap Around con transportadores de entrada y separador de producto.

Wrap Around system



With presence in more than 70 countries we expose in the most important fair on Germany. We introduced the new case packers. We create a new industrial section called EF-Systems.

Logo para la sección industrial EF SYSTEMS dentro de Ear Flap 2014
Stand con sistemas BPP en feria de 2014

Ear Flap stand at Interpack 2014


New Chinese factory

We sign a collaboration for the manufacturing of long series for small systems.

Detalle de taller en Asia
Nave industrial fabricación maquinaria enfardado

Asian factory


International reference

A solid and successful international career allows us to exhibit as a GOLD PARTNER at Hispack, showing our diversity of end-of-line solutions.

Imagen corporativa para Ear Flap en 2016
Showroom de maquinaria Ear Flap en stand de feria de 2015

Ear Flap stand at Hispack 2015


Business Group

We become a business group. We create EF-Handling, now the circle of complete system manufacturing is closed. All packaging solutions in one brand.

Logotipo del grupo Ear Flap de 2016
Vista aérea de las instalaciones de Ear Flap en Barcelona, Catalunya.

On April 18, 2016 Ear Flap Group moved its headquarters to Bigues i Riells in an industrial facility of 7000m2

All 4 industrial divisions together.


New Mexican Headquarters

Ear Flap Group opens a new headquarters in San Luis Potosí, Mexico.

The expansion of the Spanish brand in the American continent continues.

Ear flap en su delegación de México
Nave industrial de las instalaciones de Ear Flap en México

New facilities in Mexico.


We went to Pack Expo

We announce our first presence at Pack Expo International. In this expo Ear Flap Group shows its systems in the American market.

Pack Expo 2016 International Logo
Stand Ear Flap en feria Expo Pack 2016

Meeting at Pack Expo 2016



Ear Flap Group presents at Interpack 2017 the revolution of the packaging industry 4.0 with ROBMOV, the intelligent Autonomous Vehicle.

Robmov logotipo y sistema ASV
EAR FLAP stand en feria 2017



Ear Flap France SAS

Ear Flap Group expands in France with the creation of a subsidiary that will be part of the group taking charge of sales and machinery installation in France.

Logotipo EarFlap Francia
Panel de control para una enfardadora, envolvedora, emplayadora semiautomática

Semi-automatic warehouse


Specialist in large lines

We specialize in projects for large production lines and make projects for great brands that need to automate their finishing lines. The R+D+I department grows.

Sistema en línea de empaquetado y paletizado de dos líneas con robot antropomórfico.
Programador delante de sistema de configurador de línea de empaquetado

Technical office


Ear Flap changes corporate logo

The image that accompanied the company for many years change to adapt to the new era of the company.

Logotipo Ear Flap vertical
Sistema con robot colaborativo

Robot project